Analysis of 10k Hotmail Passwords - Even More Brute Force

A reader asked me through e-mail how much better John the Ripper's Markov models were compared to pure brute force or letter frequency analysis. I knew there was a reason why I put my e-mail address on the side of this blog. That's a great question, since while I'd always had more success with Markov models vs letter frequency analysis, (and certainly brute force), I had never measured the difference before. What type of researcher am I? I better fix that, so let's check it out. Test 4: Markov Models vs. Letter Frequency Analysis vs. Pure Brute Force So in this test I reused the data collected previously in Test 1 using JtR's -incremental mode targeting lowercase letters and numbers, (a-z0-9). I then used the popular tool crunch to run both the brute force and letter frequency analysis, (which I'm going to call LFA), attacks since JtR doesn't support pure brute force, (well there is a bit of a hack, but crunch is easier). For the pure brute force attack I ...