Paper Keys and Me Wearing the Dunce Hat
When I said you could ignore this blog for the next couple of weeks, little did I realize how true that would be. I know this is the internet where no-one is ever wrong , but I'd like to retract some of the statements I made in the previous post about Safeberg's use of paper keys. As I said before , I won't always be right, but I will try to correct myself when I am proven wrong. My real failure was that I didn't take the time to perform the proper research. That's why I wasn't planning on posting anything in the first place. But then I saw pictures like the one below, and just about every, "Someone is BSing me" alarm I had went off. Hence the angry post. While some of the underlying points I made were factually correct, I had in my mind that Safeberg was selling standard file encryption software like Truecrypt. Instead they provide file storage and recovery. That's a pretty big misunderstanding on my part. The reason why that makes a differenc