More Password Cracking Tips: A Defcon 2022 Crack Me If You Can Roundup

“We do not learn from experience... we learn from reflecting on experience.” -- John Dewey Introduction: KoreLogic's Crack Me if You Can (CMIYC) is one of the oldest as most established password cracking competitions. Held every year at Defcon, it serves as a great way to pull together password enthusiasts from all over the world and provides a shared use-case that drives password cracking tool development throughout the rest of the year. This year I competed as a street team and managed to finish in 12th place: Now that I've had a week to look back on things, there certainly are strategies where I could have done better. The first is with my cracking setup. I had two systems I used. My primary cracking system was still my laptop running an Ubuntu VM utilizing WSL on a Windows 11 install. My secondary system was the computer I described setting up in this blog post . Primary Laptop: CPU: i7-8640U CPU RAM: 16 GB Storage: 500GB SSD Desktop Computer: CPU: Intel i5-7600...