Tool Deep Dive: PRINCE
Tool Name: PRINCE (PRobability INfinite Chained Elements) Version Reviewed: 0.12 Author: Jens Steube, (Atom from Hashcat) OS Supported: Linux, Mac, and Windows Password Crackers Supported: It is a command line tool so it will work with any cracker that accepts input from stdin Blog Change History: 1/4/2015: Fixed some terminology after talking to Atom 1/4/2015: Removed a part in the Algorithm Design section that talked about a bug that has since been fixed in version 0.13 1/4/2015: Added an additional test with PRINCE and JtR Incremental after a dictionary attack 1/4/2015: Added a section for using PRINCE with oclHashcat Brief Description: PRINCE is a password guess generator and can be thought of as an advanced Combinator attack . Rather than taking as input two different dictionaries and then outputting all the possible two word combinations though, PRINCE only has one input dictionary and builds "chains" of combined words. These chains can have 1 to N wo...