Defcon Crack Me if You Can Competition

I'd be remiss if I didn't spend a little time talking about the "Crack Me if you Can" competition at Defcon. It's really been amazing the amount of interest that this contest is drumming up. People are excited; it seems like everyone is refining their mangling rules, putting together new wordlists, and finishing up various password cracking tools. The impact that this is having on the password cracking community as a whole is hard to overstate. Needless to say, I'm a fan of that, and I have a ton of respect for Minga and the folks at KoreLogic for putting this together.

I'll be participating, though I certainly don't plan on winning. What I'm really looking forward to though is the chance to meet with everyone else and learn what other people are doing. I'm hoping this turns into an event like the lockpicking village with the contest being almost besides the point. Of course I might be saying that because I'm going to get creamed as well...

Since I've had a few people ask me about the competition itself, here's my two cents. My biggest concern is that the passwords we will be cracking aren't real. This isn't a criticism. There's no way you could run this competition with real corporate passwords, (well, legally that is...). It's just something to keep in mind. What will be interesting though is applying the techniques learned from the winner, (part of the rules are that you have to disclose your cracking techniques), to other datasets as they become available. That's why I have this blog. I might not be the best password cracker out there, but I can certainly run other people's attacks and plot the results on Excel ;)

If I had to hazard a guess, here's some predictions of mine about the contest:

1) Most passwords will be based on relatively common dictionary words. Way more so than you would find normally.

2) Most of the cracking will center around applying the correct mangling rules. Yes there will be the 'Dictionary123' words, but I expect most 'high score' passwords will have less common rules such as 'xD1ct1onaryx'.

3)There will probably be some LANMAN passwords, so bring your rainbow tables.

4) I expect there to be so many NTLM passwords that rainbow tables for them won't be cost effective.

5) I'll be interested to see if they have any 'exotic' password hashes. WinRAR, TrueCrypt, etc.

6) It'll be a ton of fun ;)

I'll see you guys there.


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